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you are viewing an older version of this page. click here to view updated information.

this is our complete index of hotels in crete. our database is constantly updated and new hotels are added frequently. please check this list often for new available areas, hotels, apartments, villas, or special club hotels. alternately you may use our search option to find the accommodation you need. if you still can't find what you're looking for please e-mail us and we'll find it for you.


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galaxy ****(htl)
atlantis ****(htl)
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atrion ***(htl)
olympic **
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*** (htl)
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lavris ***
erato **
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silva maris
**** (htl)
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prima ** (htl)

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explanation of codes:
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(sch): special club hotel
(apt/exc): apartment -exclusive accommodation

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explanation of codes:
(htl): hotel
(apt): apartment
(vil): traditional villa
(sch): special club hotel
(apt/exc): apartment -exclusive accommodation

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