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online part time work home

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online part time work home

universal-rent-a-car home > accommodation > apartment complexes: myrina village
all studios apartments and villas include: electricity, water, fully equipped kitchen or kitchen corner, private bathroom, bed-linen change 2-3 times per week.
myrina village

located in plaka, just a few km after elounda in very natural and beautiful surroundings with superb views over the spinalonga island and the surrounding mountains. the village of plaka offers a few fish tavernas, a mini market, and a few cafeterias. the complex is in traditional style with 4 apartments, 4 maisonettes and 20 studios. the studios have a double and single bed, kitchen corner, bathroom, balcony.the apartments have a separate bedroom, living room with 2 beds, kitchen, balcony or terrace. the maisonettes are built in two levels, on the upper level is the bedroom and on the ground floor it is the living room with 2 extra beds, bathroom, kitchen corner, balcony or terrace. in the complex there is a swimming pool, separate area for children, playground, a bar, recreation room, mini market and parking. an ideal place for families in a very relaxing and beautiful area. a car is recommended unless you want to spend all your time in the same area.

online part time work home

online part time work home

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