part time jobs from home tampa

 the website owner universal rent a , including subsidiaries and affiliates ("website" or "website owner" or "we" or "us" or "our") provides the information contained on this website or any of the pages comprising the website ("website") to visitors ("visitors") (cumulatively referred to as "you" or "your" hereinafter) subject to the terms and conditions set out in these website terms and conditions, the privacy policy and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices which may be applicable to a specific section or module of this website.

part time jobs from home tampa is a car rental broker and has selected the best car rental companies around the greece(for the moment) and negotiated the best available rates. we check the market continuously to be sure that you get the best prices. our online reservation system (whether the order is confirmed or not) does not constitute a contract for the supply of vehicle rental services. a contract will be entered into at the time of rental and will be governed by the laws of the country of rental.


part time jobs from home tampa

these website terms and conditions constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and the website owner in relation to your use of the website. neither you nor the website owner shall be bound by any express tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. unless otherwise specifically stated these website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the website owner in respect of your use of the website.

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part time jobs from home tampa

where any conflict or contradiction appears between the provisions of these website terms and conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices, the other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices which relate specifically to a particular section or module of the website shall prevail in respect of your use of the relevant section or module of the website.

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no indulgence or extension of time which either you or the website owner may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppel or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.

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part time jobs from home tampa

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part time jobs from home tampa

any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of greece without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the high court of greece in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the website, or any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or any matter related to or in connection therewith.
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 whilst every effort is made to update the information contained on this website, neither the website owner nor any third party or data or content provider make any representations or warranties, whether express, implied in law or residual, as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, any share price information, research information, data and/or content contained on the website (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by any third party or data or content providers) ("information") and shall not be bound in any manner by any information contained on the website. the website owner reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this website. no information shall be construed as advice and information is offered for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. you and your company rely on the information contained on this website at your own risk. if you find an error or omission at this site, please let us know.
the trademarks, names, logos and service marks (collectively "trademarks") displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trade marks of the website owner. nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trade mark without the prior written permission of the website owner.
external links
 external links may be provided for your convenience, but they are beyond the control of the website owner and no representation is made as to their content. use or reliance on any external links and the content thereon provided is at your own risk. when visiting external links you must refer to that external websites terms and conditions of use. no hypertext links shall be created from any website controlled by you or otherwise to this website without the express prior written permission of the website owner. please contact us if you would like to link to this website or would like to request a link to your website.

 the website owner makes no warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the website, the information contained on the website, your or your company's personal information or material and information transmitted over our system.

use of the website
 the website owner does not make any warranty or representation that information on the website is appropriate for use in any jurisdiction (other than greece). by accessing the website, you warrant and represent to the website owner that you are legally entitled to do so and to make use of information made available via the website.
order process
  • in order to book your car you just have to follow the easy steps from the "book a car" page.
  • all payment data you provide on our web page is sent encrypted so that no third party can see your details.
  • please check the security certificate on our web page.
  • to place an order, a non-refundable reservation fee of 3 euro and a down payment are required. the down payment charge will not be captured from your account until the booking is confirmed from our car rental partner.
  • should your booking not be confirmed for any reason your payment will be cancelled.
  • you will see the amount of the down payment required when you order the car. this amount can be less than or equal to the car price you saw when you placed your order because our car rental partners have different down payment policies. this affects the balance payable upon delivery, but never the total amount of your order.
  • full payment details will be shown on the confirmation voucher and invoice we send you as soon as our car rental partner has confirmed your order.
  • please make sure that the amount for the down payment is available on your credit card account.
  • please make sure that the amount for the down payment is available on your credit card account.
  • your confirmation voucher with details about how to get your rental car and an invoice with full payment details will be sent to you via e-mail, normally within 72 hours after your order has been received.
  • if for any reason none of our car rental partners can confirm your order a cancellation e-mail with suggestions on how to change your order will be sent to you and no payments will be captured from your account.
  • it is essential that you provide the correct e-mail address and mobile/business phone number as the voucher contains essential information on how to get the car at your destination.
  • not until the booking has been confirmed car we know which car rental company has confirmed your booking.
  • the name of the car rental company, delivery instructions and telephone numbers will be shown on your voucher.
  • no refund will be given if you have failed to receive or read the voucher.
  • please note that all prices for the car rental, optional insurances and extras like child seat etc. on the web site are valid part time jobs from home tampa for bookings made online.
  • for extensions / extras / options purchased after arrival the car rental company can use a different rate than the one you might have seen on our web page.
late/last minute order
  • if you place an order with a start date/time of less than 24 hours you will be notified via e-mail about your order status. if you have received neither an e-mail nor sms you have to call us from your destination at +30 6945702007 to get instructions about how to proceed with your order.
  • after an order has been confirmed, no refund will be given if you fail to pick up the ordered car because of not having received applicable information/voucher.
  • if your order is not confirmed any down payment made will be cancelled.
payment method

reservation fee and down payment:

  • to make a booking a non refundable 3 euro reservation fee and a down payment are required. the down payment fee will only be reserved on your account until the booking is confirmed. the down payment will be captured only after the final confirmation from our car rental partner. the outstanding balance must be paid with a credit card issued in the driver's name upon delivery of your car.
  • cash payment is only rarely accepted.
  • as is located in a eu country the reservation fee and the down payment will be made in euro currency.
  • the payment of the balance and anything purchased locally will be in the currency of the country where you rent the car.
  • on our web page you can select your preferred currency. please note that this is shown with the exchange rate of the actual day and small discrepancies may occur on the day of delivery of the car. there might also be small discrepancies due to the currency exchange policy of your credit card company.
  • most car rental companies additionally require a credit card guarantee for the rental. the most common amount is 100-500 euro, depending on destination and car category. also higher amounts may be required.

part time jobs from home tampa

  • for airport pick-ups, it is essential that part time jobs from home tampahave been given the correct flight number and arrival time, before rental start date.
  • for pick up in ports we need the name of the ferry and arrival time. for hotel delivery we need the name of the hotel and if available also the telephone number and address of the hotel. if this is not available at the time of booking, you have to inform us about those details at least 3 days prior to rental start date online or by phone to the telephone number on your voucher.
  • should this information not be provided in time or our car rental partners can accept no responsibility or compensation for a failed rental.
out of hour charges
  • in most locations flights / ferries can be met and cars supplied outside normal working hours. however, an additional charge for early pickup or late vehicle return may apply. details will be shown during the booking procedure. in the event that a flight/ ferry is delayed or any other reason causing the car pick-up to fall outside normal working hours, the additional charge will be made locally, where early pickup or late return charges apply.
pick up / delivery of the rental vehicle
  • on your voucher you will find the exact delivery details as well as contact information of the company that has confirmed your booking.
  • the delivery can take place at an airport desk with a representative from the car rental company waiting for you with your name/car rental company name on a sign or a representative will bring you to the nearest car rental station.
  • when picking up your car at a hotel, the car will be delivered. a charge for delivery and collection may apply and will be advised on booking if applicable.
  • if you should have any problems finding the car rental company, you have to call the telephone number/s on the voucher under "car rental company contact/delivery information".
drop off / return of the rental car
  • this will be as shown on your voucher. any changes requested will need to be determined by the local car rental partner at the time of delivery and additional charges may apply.
driver's age
  • in most countries the minimum age for the driver is 21 to 25 years, higher vehicle categories may even require an age exceeding 25 years. maximum age is normally 75 years.
  • in some countries paying an additional fee may reduce the minimum and/or maximum age.
  • detailed information can be found at the available car page and in the local terms and conditions of your selected destination.
driver's licence
  • drivers must produce a full driving license held for at least one year. in addition to a driver's license, a valid passport or id card must be presented at the time of rental. renters from countries outside the european union may need to possess an intenational driving license at some destinations. please view local terms and conditions when booking your car.
  • in certain locations and for some car types, drivers must have held a full license for a minimum of 2-3 years. detailed information can be found under the "local terms and conditions".
  • it is the driver's responsibility to ensure that he/she has the appropriate driving license. no refunds will be given for rentals rejected for failure to produce a valid driving license. faxed or photocopied licenses are not acceptable.
rental period
  • rental days are based on a 24-hour basis, commencing at the time shown on the voucher.
  • part time jobs from home tampaand our car rental partners allow for up to 1 hour delay in return time without calculating an extra day. the one hour grace period is only valid at the time of booking.
  • changes in return time after rental start will be handled by the car rental company.
  • in case of delayed flight etc we/our car rental partners allow for a change in delivery time of up to 1 hour, which means your rental period can start and be calculated 1 hour later than your original reservation time. there will be no extra charge for this change unless pickup or return times fall outside normal operating hours.
  • all amendments must be made through the customer log in page and confirmed by when an amendment causes the price to change you will have to make a new booking and then cancel the first booking. the down-payment will be refunded if we have the amendment a minimum of 7 days prior to arrival. for later amendments an amendment fee of maximum 50 euro will be kept.
  • there are normally no refunds for any unused days if has not received an amendment as above. it is up to the car rental company to decide if any refund can be made for unused days.
  • the reservation fee (2 euro) will be kept for administrative costs.
cancellations of confirmed orders
  • all cancellations have to be made through the customer log in page.
  • we normally do not accept cancellations made by telephone.
  • for cancellations more than 168 hours (7 full days) prior to rental period start the total amount of your down payment will be paid back minus the reservation fee (2 euro).
  • for cancellations 168 hours (7 full days) or less prior to rental period start, the down payment will not be refunded.
  • there is a maximum amount of 50 euro which can be kept by part time jobs from home tampa. this is to compensate the car rental company for their processing costs.
  • cancellations/ amendments after the start of the rental period will be handled by the car rental company at your destination. part time jobs from home tampais not responsible for any changes in pricing that might occur.
  • no refunds will be made for no-shows at destination or failure to produce relevant documents, early returns or cancellations after the hire start date.
  • there are normally no refunds for any unused days. it is up to the car rental partner to decide if any refund can be made for unused days.
  • for last minute orders no refund will be made if the order is confirmed by the car rental partner.
rental documents
  • the car rental voucher must be presented when picking up your rental car. cannot be held responsible for rentals rejected if a voucher is not presented.
    you should retain your rental documents and related receipts for a minimum of 28 days after returning home.
    in most countries the rental agreement is written in the language of the country and in english.
car type/suitability
  • part time jobs from home tampa will make every effort to reserve a specific type of vehicle, whenever this is possible. however we cannot guarantee a particular make, model or fuel of car.
  • reservations can only be confirmed according to vehicle categories and not according to the car model.
  • the named cars serve part time jobs from home tampa as typical examples for the size and performance of a vehicle category.
  • the local car rental company on site reserves the right of procuring a vehicle of a higher category whenever the booked vehicle category is not available. specific car booked is guaranteed only for prestige cars.
  • the car rental companies have different policies regarding fuel
  • we strongly recommend you to check if the car should be driven with petrol or diesel.
number of passengers
  • please check very carefully the car specifications as part time jobs from home tampa cannot accept responsibility if the vehicle is not large enough to accommodate all passengers and luggage on arrival.
provision of rental vehicles
  • our car rental partner can refuse to provide a car to any customer who is, in their opinion, unfit to drive or does not meet eligibility requirements. in such circumstances the agreement withpart time jobs from home tampa will terminate immediately, and part time jobs from home tampa will have no further liability to the customer, and no refund will be due.
  • in most locations, rental cars provided by local companies have at least two airbags. in some locations it might happen that a car will have a driver side airbag. in mediterranean countries it might happen that a car does not have an airbag.
  • if you are dissatisfied in any way with the standard of your booked car, please contact the car rental company immediately. such situations should be handled with the car rental company locally. failure to do so may result in any claims not being accepted or settled.
  • part time jobs from home tampa will only rarely be able to handle complaints about the car standard or performances or offer any refunds after the rental period is over.
  • part time jobs from home tampa assumes no liability for actual rentals, which do not come about due to reasons for which the hirer is responsible. such reasons are for example:
    • failing to present a driver's license or presenting a driver's license which is no longer valid.
    • failing to present a valid passport or identification card.
    • failing to present a valid credit card (debit cards only rarely accepted).
    • non-compliance with regulations concerning the minimum or maximum age.
  • please note that rental of the vehicle will be subject to the laws/regulations of the country where the rental takes place.
  • local laws govern the terms and conditions of hiring vehicles and the rental contract signed on collection of the car is legally binding on the hirer.
  • all reservations are made bypart time jobs from home tampaand all coupons and vouchers are issued by the company in their capacity as agents/intermediaries for the principals supplying the relevant services, upon the expressed condition that is not responsible for any loss to the hirer, damage, delay, injury, accidents, cancellation, alterations, irregularity or additional expenses suffered by the hirer whatsoever.
consequential loss
  • part time jobs from home tampa is responsible for losses the client suffers as a result of breeching this agreement if such losses are a foreseeable consequence of breeching the agreement.
  • part time jobs from home tampais not responsible for indirect losses which occur as a side effect of the main loss or damage and which are not foreseeable by the client and (such as loss of profits or loss of opportunity).
force majeure ("acts of god")
  • part time jobs from home tampa shall not be liable for either a failure to perform or delay in performing any of its obligations under or pursuant to this booking if and in so far as performance is delayed, hindered or prevented by force majeure ("acts of god"), which expression shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the party in question.
child seats
  • child seats are mandatory in most countries and must be ordered at the time of booking.part time jobs from home tampa
  • please note that -especially in mediterranean countries- the safety standards for child safety seats may differ from the standards in your country. (taking along your own safety seats for children and babies is recommended).
roof racks and ski racks
  • available in some locations for an additional charge and should be requested as additional options at the time of booking.
  • detailed information can be found under the "local terms and conditions".
across border rentals
  • normally not allowed, but when allowed you will find more information in the "local terms and conditions" for your selected destination.
  • any extra costs that might occur will be advised in the "local terms and conditions". such cost can be paid directly to the car rental company or at the time of booking.
ferrying rented cars
  • normally allowed within the same country, but must be requested at your destination.
  • you must always inform the car rental company that you will take the car on a ferry.
additional drivers
  • in most locations one additional driver will be free of charge. you will find more information in the "local terms and conditions" of your selected destination.
insurances (all inclusive)
rates from part time jobs from home tampa include:
  • third party insurance covers third person towards property damages and bodily injuries.
  • pai-personal accident insurance for passengers at most destinations.
  • pai-personal accident insurance for driver is available at many destinations for an additional charge. insurance coverage amounts are set by insurance laws where the car is rented and differ from country to country. for more information refer to "local terms and conditions".
  • fire insurance is included in most locations with no excess/deductible.
  • theft insurance is included in most locations with no excess/deductible.
  • c.d.w (collision damage waiver).
  • fcdw (full collision damage waiver deductible may apply to some specific locations), more information available under "local terms and conditions". this may be reduced or waived by paying a small daily fee to the local car rental partner.
  • in some countries you will be required to leave a deposit to the value of any insurance excess/deductible (damage or theft), which may be charged by our car rental partner, if the car is damaged/stolen during the rental period and the renter is responsible. no charges will be made if the damage is proven not to be the fault of the renter.seepart time jobs from home tampaand/or the car rental agreement.
  • the conditions on the car rental agreement are legally binding to the hirer.
  • at some destinations where you have to leave a deductible deposit, most of our car rental partners may offer an extra insurance to cover the deductible amount.
  • pai (personal accident insurance) for driver can also be purchased extra in the locations where it is not included. the pai may already be covered by your travel insurance. more information available under "local terms and conditions".
  • part time jobs from home tampapart time jobs from home tampa
  • all rental cars are insured for a maximum number of passengers. in the interest of safety this number must not be exceeded and if exceeded the insurance will be invalidated.
  • please make sure that the car you book meets you passenger capacity requirements.
exceptions to fcdw insurance
  • charges for any of the damages below will be charged directly to the renter, the most important being the following: antenna, trays, damage to car lock, loss or damage to keys, windshield wipers, mirrors, spare key and car jack, personal belongings in the rented car, hubcap, lights, gas cap, warning triangles, damage to the upholstery of the car, damages to the roof, extreme dirtiness in the car, wheels / glass / underside damage (unless wug insurance was purchased online when booking vehicle), damages caused by roof racks, tire punctures and burst tires, wrong type of fuel use, damage to child seats and baby seats, dead batteries due to renter negligence or oversight. the car rental company, in any case, is not obligated to replace flat tires or perform repairs to damaged radios.
  • some of our car rental partners offer an extra insurance to cover the above exceptions locally. damage caused by drunk driving or negligent driving will never be excluded from the client's direct responsibilities.
  • in some locations there is an additional insurance for wheels / underside and glass (wug), which can be purchased at the time of booking. for your location, you will see all the available extras after having selected a car category.
  • no insurance covers damages caused intentionally or through wreckless driving.
  • extra option prices listed on the web page are valid only when those options are purchased at the same time that the car is booked online. most of the extras can also be purchased locally, normally at a slightly higher cost.
  • part time jobs from home tampa will not refund any telephone, taxi or hotel costs.
  • part time jobs from home tampa or the car rental company will not be held responsible for anyone driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, causing damage, off-road or dirt road driving or driving without due care and attention or damages caused by negligence.
  • the customer will accept full responsibility in respect to such claims.
  • vehicle must never be removed from place of accident until police report has been completed and the car rental company has been notified.
  • in case of any accident with your rental car involved you must immediately contact the nearest police station and complete an accident report.
  • if you do not report the accident to the police and/or fail to comply with the requirements under the country's law, the insurance might become invalid.
  • the report should state if there was any influence of alcohol or drugs. it is essential that you also report any accident or damage to the car rental company.
  • in case of other damages to the rented car, the above procedure should also be followed. if the vehicle is damaged while parked you have to report the damage to the car rental company before the car is moved.
  • it is mandatory that the client file a police report in case of theft and to turn this document in to the car rental company. it is essential that you also inform the car rental company of vehicle theft immediately. car documents and keys must be handed to the car rental company.
  • the client must report all damages immediately to the car rental company.
  • part time jobs from home tampa
disclaimer of liability
 the website owner shall not be responsible for and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party (including your company), as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your access and use of the website, any information contained on the website, your or your company's personal information or material and information transmitted over our system. in particular, neither the website owner nor any third party or data or content provider shall be liable in any way to you or to any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever arising from any delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of any share price information or the transmission thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon or occasioned thereby or by reason of non-performance or interruption, or termination thereof.
  • part time jobs from home tampa aims to resolve complaints within 28 days of receipt. some complaints may take longer than 28 days depending on the nature of the issue and information provided.
  • part time jobs from home tampa can only consider complaints that reach them within 28 days of the final day of rental to which the rental voucher refers.
  • actions against part time jobs from home tampa are restricted to the laws that apply within the jurisdiction of the heraklion greek courts.
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  • unlimited mileage!
  • fire insurance
  • 24 hour road service
  • theft insurance
  • cdw (collision damage waiver)
  • third party insurance
  • pai personal accident insurance
  • fcdw (full collision damage waiver. see local and general terms & conditions)
  • all taxes (local, airport and vat)
  • free asc (airport service charge)
  • 1 additional driver
  • 1 child/baby seat (on request)
  • road map

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