weekend specials

part time job work from home


* daily rates, based on weekly rentals. please check availability, prices may have changed without notice.

part time job work from home

  • unlimited mileage!
  • fire insurance
  • 24 hour road service
  • theft insurance
  • cdw (collision damage waiver)
  • third party insurance
  • pai personal accident insurance
  • fcdw (full collision damage waiver. see local and general terms & conditions)
  • all taxes (local, airport and vat)
  • free asc (airport service charge)
  • 1 additional driver
  • 1 child/baby seat (on request)
  • road map
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part time job work from home

universal-rent-a-car home > accommodation > south crete: little inn
little inn **
  • location: the club is situated at kokkinos pirgos, a small village in the south part of the island. 65 kms from the airport, you can easily visit the archeological cities of phaistos, gortys, ag.triada.  
  • services: there are restaurant, bar and swimming pool.  also there are sport facilities such as tennis, volleyball, pedalos boats, canoeing.  
  • rooms: the hotel has 45 rooms downstairs and on one floor. all the rooms have shower, wc, telephone, radio and balcony. all the upper rooms have air-condition and there are double, triple and family rooms.

part time job work from home

part time job work from home

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