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* daily rates, based on weekly rentals. please check availability, prices may have changed without notice.

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  • unlimited mileage!
  • fire insurance
  • 24 hour road service
  • theft insurance
  • cdw (collision damage waiver)
  • third party insurance
  • pai personal accident insurance
  • fcdw (full collision damage waiver. see local and general terms & conditions)
  • all taxes (local, airport and vat)
  • free asc (airport service charge)
  • 1 additional driver
  • 1 child/baby seat (on request)
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weekend part time jobs los angeles

universal-rent-a-car home > accommodation > rethymno: atlantis beach
atlantis beach****


  • location: hotel atlantis is located 1 km away from the town of rethymnon that is 70 kms west of heraklion city and very close to the beach.  
  • services: the hotel offers a sea view restaurant, pool bar, swimming pool, children's pool, mini market, lounge, tv room, tennis court, water sports.
  • rooms: all 85 modern rooms have private shower, balcony, telephone, music and there is air-condition only in the main building from 1/8 to 31/8 only a few hours per day. :all 85 modern rooms have private shower, balcony, telephone, music and there is air-condition only in the main building from 1/8 to 31/8 only a few hours per day. gym.

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weekend part time jobs los angeles

500 - ?????????????

500 - ?????????????
