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* daily rates, based on weekly rentals. please check availability, prices may have changed without notice.

dairy queen part time job near me

dairy queen part time job near me

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dairy queen part time job near me

lavris ***


  • location :  hotel lavris is situated in gouves, 15 kms east of heraklion international airport, 2 kms from the picturesque village of gouves and only 400 m from the sea.  
  • services :  there is restaurant, taverna, pool bar, snack bar, billiards, swimming pool, and tv room.  
  • rooms :  there are 112 comfortable rooms, providing bath or shower, radio, direct-dial telephone, private safe, balcony or terrace, and most of them have sea view. some of the rooms are fully air-conditioned and provide tv set.

dairy queen part time job near me

dairy queen part time job near me

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